Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Surely I'm not the only '09 living at home for a few weeks, eh?

It has it's benefits: free food (!!!), free laundry, a house that's much nicer than a dorm or anywhere else I'm likely to be living for a long time, and did I mention delicious food?

It also has it's downsides: parents, feeling like I'm in high school all over again, and this gem that occurred yesterday: running into people from high school in ice cream shops.  Not friends from high school, because those people I'm actually happy to see. Rather, people-who-I- recognize-from-high-school-but-really-never-spoke-to.  And when you run into them there's the obligatory 5 minute "oh, did you just graduate?" "how was college?" "where are you off to now?" and then awkward silence as you both realize that was more of a conversation than you guys ever had during high school.  Oh boy. Gotta love awkward moments.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in Boston until Sunday! Have you seen Up yet? If not, can we see it together? Or grab lunch or dinner or chocolate or something?
