It has it's benefits: free food (!!!), free laundry, a house that's much nicer than a dorm or anywhere else I'm likely to be living for a long time, and did I mention delicious food?
It also has it's downsides: parents, feeling like I'm in high school all over again, and this gem that occurred yesterday: running into people from high school in ice cream shops. Not friends from high school, because those people I'm actually happy to see. Rather, people-who-I- recognize-from-high-school-but-really-never-spoke-to. And when you run into them there's the obligatory 5 minute "oh, did you just graduate?" "how was college?" "where are you off to now?" and then awkward silence as you both realize that was more of a conversation than you guys ever had during high school. Oh boy. Gotta love awkward moments.
I'm in Boston until Sunday! Have you seen Up yet? If not, can we see it together? Or grab lunch or dinner or chocolate or something?