Tuesday, June 16, 2009

fake reality

Checking in from BHouse... it's pretty strange to be one of the only '09ers still around. I miss you guys so much! The babies are great, but... they're all coming back.

I hope you're all tuning in to the BHouse blog, which chronicles the regular adventures of the crew here, and my project 365 (plug!) for photos from my life.

I've begun to realize that this is fake real life here-- especially since only so much has changed. I am still hanging out with band people all the time, and instead of hatin' on my senior essay, I hate on my crappy summer job. Sure, we're living in a crazy messed up house that surely has some demonic spirits in residence (and no, I don't mean my housemates). But aside from more bills, more cooking, and a hell of a lot more cleaning, it's kind of the same. Same "commute," same scenery, same bars, many of the same people. I think August is going to be the big transition time for me. I've found a couple of possible houses, and will be checking a few of them out this weekend on an impromptu stop in Baltimore to chat with my advisers about the saga of my department. (ack!! stress.) I'm trying to decide if I should buy a car, or if I can make do with a zipcar membership and patience (instead of gas+loan+insurance etc that I may or may not be able to afford). And I have to figure out how to get my vast amount of stuff down to the Charm City...

But in exciting personal news, AJ and I are taking an extended weekend on the Yucatan over July 4. I'm so excited. :-) Love you all, and miss you like crazy!

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