Monday, June 29, 2009

Dear Friends

I hoped for change. I hoped for a normal existence. And peace.

But no. God said, "Chris, your life is a shitshow, and a shitshow it shall be." And it is. It really, really is.

The more time I spend in this country, the more I realize that the shitshow-tisity of my life has remained a constant...actually, no. Just no. It really is more. It's so special. My life, so special. Always and forever.

I blame it on my sexuality. It's just easier that way.




  1. 1) eh?

    2) I beg to differ. Not knowing the circumstances, but knowing you, I'm going to go out on a limb here and posit that your shitshowiness has nothing to do with you liking the dudes and everything to do with your (entirely lovable) person. Just a thought.

  2. Oh, ChrisChris (my suggestion for your Chinese name), you are SOOOOO special! I'm also going to third the request for further information on why your life is so special at the moment.
