Sunday, July 5, 2009

Texas adventures

I'm not going to lie, you guys. Houston kind of blows. It is HOT and humid and seems (at least in my experience) to be long on the faceless concrete urban wasteland and short on the character and/or charm.

Still, though, Texas has highlights!

1) Carly and Monica came to visit on their road trip!

(seen here in my oh-so-charming dorm room)

2) I went to San Antonio this weekend!

Two of the major attractions in San Antonio are pictured below; can you spot them all?

"Yeah, so then the Texans went up to Santa Ana and woke him up from his siesta with a gun in his face, and they were like 'Surprise, we win!' and he was like, 'Awww, shit.'"

--Texas history according to Ben.


  1. Ha, that's pretty much what happened. Also, we were pretty much taught in school that Santa Ana was an evil, evil man for fighting against us brave Texans who rightfully deserved the land we were taking over.

  2. San Antonio!!!! *cue KBB cadence*
