Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Two Short Stories, etc.

1: Last week, I printed out some tax papers and promptly lost them within about 2 minutes. NO IDEA where they could have gone, panicked. Mom decided to work her magic- "Go upstairs, I'll find them." I agree, thinking to myself that I will be a bad mom someday, because do not have magic powers.

Turns out, I printed out the papers and made a sandwich. The tax forms were neatly laid on the tuna fish shelf of the kitchen cabinet. Take out tuna, insert W2s. Perfectly reasonable.

It's pathological.

2: Lots of rain recently, as you know if you're anywhere on the East Coast. Result- water in basement! Result of that- water in all of my boxes that I hadn't unpacked yet! Result- water on most of my nice and winter clothes! Many are salvageable but a bunch somehow got bad rust stains. So after trying every home remedy in the world today (Vinegar and salt paste) and every stain removal product in our house, I have concluded that a lot of my favorite clothes are dead. So I need a lot of new clothes. Which is especially sad because I don't get my student loans until September 1st, and am too broke for significant back to school shopping until then. But orientation starts the 25th. SIGH. I am justifying this complaining post with the previous story, which I hope will entertain you enough to forgive this story.

Etc.: I'm (almost certainly) going camping in the Smokey Mountains this weekend! With my sis. And then next weekend, I move to New Haven. Like, whoa. And I saw lots of Ned, Rachel, and Steve in DC this week, as well as some 06ers! Fun. Also, my sister got kittens. Two. Kittens are the best things in the world.

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