Thursday, August 20, 2009

Annie and I are Yiqi

"Yiqi" means together.

It is fun times.

We also taught together today. It was special. I'll tell more after a night of sleep and an Annie by my side.

Also, we move to my schools in less than a week. Psyched!



  1. Annie going to sleep by your side?! I am unclear on this.

  2. Schools? With an "s"? Sounds like it's time for a brush-up on the ol' English language...

  3. Dear Erin,

    Chris's preciouses do not appreciates when you mocks him for extra esseses.

    Dear Annie,

    I know this goes without saying, but if Chris tells you to put "the lotion on its skin," you shouldn't do it.

    Dear Mr. Chris,

    Still got all of your internal organs? I'm glad to see that the China has not harvested your special gland!
