Friday, September 25, 2009

my life these days

1) I got a haircut on Tuesday afternoon. It is pretty short, and so kind of sticks up all over. When I arrived at school on Wednesday morning, this is what one of my first-graders had to say: "Miss Alway! You got shaved!"

2) I am starting to adapt Delta dialect, most particularly "fittin' to." This is Delta-speak for "fixing to," i.e. "Jaquirrious if you don't get a move on you're fittin' to miss that bus."

3) I am possibly starting a fifth and sixth grade band? This is exciting and also terrifying. We really need one; right now the high school band is pretty small and pretty bad because there's no feeder program at all. My kids are ALL super excited. And they ALL want to play drums.

4) I also joined the Greenwood community band! It consists mostly of the extremely elderly, plus a few high school students and me and Will (another TFA teacher, the choir director at the high school. He went to UConn and played trumpet in the marching band!) We play lots and lots of marches, but I like it.

5) I am also taking guitar lessons. My teacher is old, crotchety, mustached, and chain-smokes throughout each lesson. It's awesome.

6) It has been raining for about ten days straight now, and as a result the local mosquito population is greatly increased and has been FEASTING on my blood. Kids: "Miss Alway, you got red bumps all over your arms!" Me: "I KNOW."

7) I miss you all! And I can't wait for the Game.


  1. Hehe, I think it's actually "finna". At least that's what we say in TN. I actually had a hard time in Spanish the first time I tried to translate "finna do something." It blew my mind when I realized it was "going to do something" hehe.

  2. One of my saddest days at Yale was when I realized I had lost my "fixin' to." I've been trying to get it back ever since.
